Unit One: Primitive Types

Goal: To learn the fundamentals of Java and other foundational concepts for coding.

Unit Two: Using Objects

Goal: Explore reference data in order to represent real-world objects in a digital world and discover methods to initiate more complex operations

Unit Three: Boolean Expressions and if Statements

Goal: Dive into the building blocks of algorithms and use conditional statements to solve problems and have control over your results

Unit Four: Iteration

Goal: Learn about iteration which is used for repetition in algorithms

Unit Five: Writing Clauses

Goal: Explore real-world interactions that can be expressed through code by organizing behaviors and attribites into classes – also learn about the legal and ethical implications of programming

Unit Six: Array

Goal: Learn techniques and standard algorithms to work with collections of data structures

Unit Seven: ArrayList

Goal: Delve into data setts, exploring ArrayList objects for larger amounts of data, as well as the privacy concerns for your personal data storage

Unit Eight: 2D Array

Goal: Experiment with data sets represented in a table

Unit Nine: Inheritance

Goal: Manipulate programming without altering original code by using subclasses to create a hierarchy

Unit Ten: Recurision

Goal: Solve larger problems by solving small versions of the same problems using recursive methods