6.1 Array Creation and Access

  • Used to store one data type
  • Fixed size and canno tbe chnaged
  • Import array through: import java.util.Arrays; *Making Arrays: using constructors or using pre-initialized arrays

6.2 Traversing Arrays

  • For loop or while loop
  • Bound errors: appears when using loops to access array elements
  • When there's not enough items to reach an index

6.3 Enhanced For Loops

  • Traverse through most data structures
  • Elements in array need to have something done to
  • Mutator methods: set the value on instance variables

6.4 Developing Algorithms using Arrays

  • Minimum and maximum of a list of elements
  • Compute sum, average, or mode
  • If you want to find if an array has a specific property
  • Can determine duplicates
  • .length can be used to find the length of an array
  • array [i] to find the value
  • change value: array [i] = new element

Hack 1

for (int num : arrayOne) {
    if (num % 2 == 0) {

Hack 2

The answer is B

Hack 3

import java.util.Arrays;

public class arraySorter {
    public static void main(int[] a) {
        for (int i : a) {

int[] myNumbers = new int[] {5, 3, 4, 1, 2};

Hack 4

The answer is B

Hack 5

public class ForEachDemo
   public static void main(String[] args)
     int[] highScores = { 10, 9, 8, 8};
     String[] names = {"Jamal", "Emily", "Destiny", "Mateo"};
     // for each loop with an int array
     for (int value : highScores)
         System.out.println( value );
     // for each loop with a String array
     for (String value : names)
         System.out.println(value); // this time it's a name!

Hack 6

The answer is D

Hack 7

public class leftShifted {
    public static int[] main(int[] a) {
        int first = a[0];
        for (int i=1; i<a.length; i++) {
            a[i-1] = a[i];
        a[a.length-1] = first;
        return a;

int[] array = {7,9,4};
int[] array_out = leftShifted.main(array);

[9, 4, 7]

Hack 8

public class findDuplicate {
    public static int main(int[] a, int b) {
        int d=0;

        for (int number : a) {
            if (number==b) {
        return d;

int[] array = {7,7,9,4};
findDuplicate.main(array, 7);

Hack 9

public class reverseString {
    public static char[] main(char[] s) {
        char[] reverse = new char[s.length];
        for (int i=s.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
            reverse[s.length-i-1] = s[i];

        return reverse;

String s = "hello";
char[] c = s.toCharArray();
char[] reverse = reverseString.main(c);

// Arrays.toString(reverse)
String reversed = new String(reverse);

FRQ Part A

public void addMembers(String[] names, int gradYear) {
    for (String name : names) {
        MemberInfo member = new MemberInfo(name, gradYear, true);