Notes from the Video

Thank you note

Dear Ms. Lanzi,

Thank you for being such an amazing math teacher! During my time in your class, I was able to grow not only academically, but also as a collaborator. I really appreciated how in depth you could explain all the topics that we would learn. Rather than just having us solve problems, you would walk us through the mathematical reasoning behind each problem. These in depth explanations are what allowed me to truly thrive in the AP Calculus BC course. I am sad that my time in your class has come to an end, but I definitely plan on stopping by and visiting in the future!

Dear Mom and Dad,

Thank you both for always being so supportive in all of my endeavors. I am so lucky to always have you both in my corner, cheering me on in all the challenges that I take on. I am eternally grateful for all of the things that both of you have done for me over the years. I am so thankful to have a loving family. I will never forget how blessed and fortunate I am to have such an amazing family.

Gratitude List

Personal and Academic Goals